Vasile Ernu

În viaţă există lucruri mult mai îngrozitoare decît moartea BR Anna Ahmatova

În viaţă există lucruri mult mai îngrozitoare decît moartea
Anna Ahmatova

De la Est vine UNDERGROUND-ul

joi, 12 octombrie de la ora 18.00 in Club A

De la Est vine UNDERGROUND-ul

Vasile Ernu aduce in Club A la “poeticile
cotidianului” lumea lui minunata. Autorul
volumului “Nascut in URSS” deschide
sezonul intilnirilor din Club A cu o seara in care a
promis ca va aduce muzici si filmulete made in URSS.

Kino, Akvarium, Auktion, DDT, Zvuki Mu, Nautilus
Pompilius sint citeva din trupele la care va umbla
scriitorul Vasile Ernu in aceasta editie a

Incepind de azi va voi prezenta cite o trupa sovietica (unele activeaza si astazi).
Astazi va prezint una din Legendele rockului sovietic KINO si Viktor Tsoi.

(Iata un clip intr-un limbaj surdo-mut)

Kino (band)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kino (Russian: Кино́, often written uppercase, pronounced key-no’) was a Russian rock band headed by Viktor Tsoi. They were one of the most famous Russian rock groups of the 1980s.

The band was formed in the summer of 1981 in Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia) as a punk rock band Garin i giperboloidy (after a novel of Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi Giperboloid inzhenera Garina, published in English as Engineer Garin and His Death Ray) by Tsoi, Aleksei Rybin and Oleg Valinskiy. A year later the name of the band was changed to Kino (Russian for ‘cinema’). Since rock music was considered “anti-Soviet”, Kino, like the other rock bands, performed only in semi-underground clubs and at musicians’ apartments (so-called kvartirniks).

In the summer of 1982, Kino’s first album 45 (according to its length in minutes) was recorded together with the musicians of the band Aquarium. The album was slowly distributed through underground channels and gave an apparent fame to the group.

The bands first real hit was the album Noch (Russian for ‘night’) released in 1986; the six songs from the album were included in the Red Wave: 4 Underground Bands from the USSR compilation disc released in the U.S. in 1986.

Due to the beginning of the Perestroika era the band came out of the underground, and the 1988 album Gruppa krovi (Russian for Blood Type) together with the movie Igla (Russian for The Needle) starring Tsoi brought the band to the pinnacle of popularity.

During the next two years the band released another album and did shows in the USSR and abroad, attracting enormous audiences, until August 15, 1990, when Tsoi died tragically in a car accident near Riga. The tape with the vocal track for the new album survived the accident. The album was completed by the rest of the band and released in 1990 without a title, though it is always cited as Chornyy albom (Russian for The Black Album) since it has a wholly black cover.

The band’s popularity in the Soviet Union was so extraordinarily high that after Tsoi’s death, many fences, rocks and walls throughout the country became covered with the words “Цой жив!” (Russian for Tsoi lives!) and “КИНО”. Writing these words became a kind of a memorial ritual among the fans of the band and even now new writings appear from time to time.

Most Kino songs were written by Viktor Tsoi. The ideas of liberty and democracy were often present (though they were called “anarchy”), as well as profound thoughts about life, death and love. Social symbols, such as the elektrichka were used as themes, too, for instance in the case of the Elektrichka song. Another example of a Kino song is Song with no Words written by Tsoi for the album The Star Called the Sun (Zvezda po Imeni Solntse; 1989).

The music of Kino has often been compared to contemporary English-language bands such as The Smiths, The Cure, Depeche Mode and Joy Division. It is likely that these bands were a direct influence on the band. Kino’s music also drew heavily on the Russian poetic songwriting tradition of singers such as Vladimir Vysotsky (see Bard).

(clipul din anii 80 Videli Notch pe care noi il cunoastem in varianta interpretata de Zdob si Zdub)

(clip care arata perfect situatia anilor 70-80 cind existau interdictii de a cinta in “Casele de cultura” iar solutia era fie apartamentele, fie garajele sau subsolurile blocurilor)

10 October, 2006
in: Rock in URSS   
3 comentarii


3 Responses to “De la Est vine UNDERGROUND-ul”

  1. DK
    October 29th, 2006 @ 11:41 pm

    Iar asta e recomandarea mea personala…

    Pechal’ – ultimul concert (1990)

  2. radu ciobanu
    December 13th, 2006 @ 10:06 pm

    Multumesc mult pentru informatia referitor la rockul sovietic. Eu sint admirator a creatiei lui Visotsky, DDT, Tsoi si ma bucur mult cind gasesc astfel de bloguri.

  3. taciturnus
    December 5th, 2007 @ 11:37 am

    stie cineva cum pot gasi si eu subtitrari in engleza pt “igla”?

    PS. Si mie imi place sa gasesc bloguri cu si despre Kino si Nautilus

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